
Nurturing Bright Minds

A Message from Sydney

Hi there! My name is Sydney, and I am an educator and advocate for gifted and twice-exceptional learners in the homeschool and education community. I founded Lampyridae, which is Latin for "firefly," to provide support and guidance to these naturally bright students.

My journey into education is an unconventional one. It began when my eldest son showed an interest and aptitude for reading at age 3, and I realized then that a traditional classroom wouldn’t meet his needs. After a lot of careful thought, we started officially homeschooling and I developed a love and passion for teaching that I’d never before realized! I also began to understand that many other families decide to seek alternative education options for their gifted children because traditional schools simply weren’t a good fit. Those experiences inspired me to seek ways to support gifted learners in the homeschool community and, ultimately, to further my own education, earn a graduate degree in gifted education, and embark on this illuminating adventure.

Through Lampyridae, I am excited to share my classes and offer evaluation and consultation services for gifted and twice-exceptional learners and their families. Please reach out with any questions you have!

~ Sydney


Have you heard about interest-focused,  strength-based learning? Sydney develops innovative courses for gifted learners that motivate students to pursue passions and joy in learning


Are you looking for an alternative to standardized testing to satisfy the homeschool evidence of progress (EOP), sometimes called a proof of progress (POP) requirement for your child?


Do you need one-on-one advice on your homeschool, or outside-school, journey for your gifted or twice-exceptional (2e) learner? Sydney offers one-time or series-based educational consultations.